
Data Science, global business, management and MBA


Day 139 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A 11 "Public to Private"

Outback LBO deal by Bain Capital In 2007, Bain Capital partnered with Catterton Partners and other investors to execute a leveraged buyout (LBO) of OSI Restaurant Partners, the parent company of Outback Steakhouse. OSI Restaurant Partners …

Day 115 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Digital Product Management 5 - "How technical should PM be?"

Are you technical enough for "PM", "Developer" or CEO? medium.com It is a frequently discussed question that the sufficient level of technical skillset for a good project manager. Should they dive into coding detail? Or is it OK to draw so…

Day 107 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A and PE 2 "M&A structure and Pepsi-Quaker cases"

Type of merger Reading: Forms of Takeover: Mergers Statutory merger: In a statutory merger, the acquiring firm absorbs the assets and liabilities of the target company and the target company ceases to exist. Subsidiary merger: In a subsidi…

Day 102 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A and PE "Valuation"

When a company buys a target, there are many ways to offer your target. In this blog, I will write down who the stakeholders are and what typical questions they have. Stakeholders and questions about valuation Shareholders of target compan…

Day 99 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Digital Product Management 1 "The definition and role of product manager"

Product Manager You Are…. a janitor, essentially. | by Mat Balez | All Things Product Management | Medium The Product Manager - Background Note - Faculty & Research - Harvard Business School Two primary responsibilities A product manager h…

Day 83 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Leadership in seminar 1

This course is a panel talk between students and remarkable leaders in various industries. Faculty is Robert C. Pozen. Robert C. Pozen | MIT Sloan The most important advice to Sloan Fellows "Find a great female 1 on 1 mentor if you are mal…

Day 71 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Strategic leadership communication 2, Efforts or natural talent?

Presentation is a skill of charisma? In a short answer, No. Sometimes, too strong individual talent would worsen the delivery of messages and just deliver a positive impression of speakers. Do You Need Charisma to Be a Great Public Speaker…

Day 68 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Strategic leadership communication 1, Style and Credibility

The basic structure of communciation Five interactive variables Communicator Message Channel Audience Culture Communicatio style When you should use tell/sell style? You have sufficient information You do not need to hear others' opinions,…

Day 55 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Learning from our cohort 5, Japanese vulnerability

When we, Japanese students, are in the classroom, I can find a lot of vulnerabilities of our cohorts of course including me. We are good at resolving "given" questions, challenges, problems and leveraging the "given" environments. It is a …

Day 50 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Financial Management 1, How to read accounting information

This course is exploring how bankers and companies think about finance and how to make a decision from various financial information. Most classes have case studies and assignments. It is our core and quite intensive program. Ratio Analysi…

Day 38 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Reflection of Second half in Summer

15.778 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT In this course, we learn fundamental concepts in operation management such as throughput rate, Little's law, inventory management, and machine learning optimization. As I introduced in this blog…

Day 31 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Challenges for Japanese Student - currency

In this topic, I will articulate typical challenges Japanese students face in international MBA programs. Currency and scale matters Each country has its own currency, but the U.S. dollar has always been the key currency.It is said that Ja…

Day 10 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Introduction to Marketing and Strategy -3

Capture value We learned how to create value( profit) in the market. Then the next topic is how to capture value. In other words, how to generate value by differentiating ourselves from horizontal competitors. Market power and sustainable …

My slogan in the one-year MBA program

明日からのMIT Sloan Fellowsの1年間のプログラムに向けて、色んな学びの軸を立てて、計画書とかも書いてみちゃったりしたが、結局複雑に考えれば考えるほど、どんどん自分が本当にそこに自信を持ってやりたいかどうかなどの覚悟の部分に疑問が出てくること…


6月からMBAのプログラムが始まる。 私の参加するプログラムは1年制のより経験豊富なリーダーに向けたプログラムになっており、これから苦楽を共にするメンバーとの交遊とMBAにあたっての生活準備、模擬授業をオリエンテーションとして4月にバーチャルで実施…


英国から日本に帰ってきたばかりの2020年はサウナ自体あつすぎて入れなかったのだが、2021年はとにかく隙きあらばサウナと言わんばかりにサウナに入った。せっかくなので入ったサウナの上位10位を書こうと思う。 サウナ、整い所、水風呂、施設他(全体の施設…


チップ争奪戦の始まり www.bbc.com IBMがここから大規模なチップ不足に陥ると発表して、はや2か月。 早速トヨタから、最大40%の減産のニュースが出た。 www.bbc.com クルマの部品コストのおおよそ30~50%が電子部品と言われる。今回のニュースはさらにその割…