
Data Science, global business, management and MBA

Day 5 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Leadership and Teams Lab -2

Day2 for Leadership and Teams Lab.


Today's learning topics are "emotion", "difference" and "origins of differences".

Emotional reactions are inevitable physical and psychological responses. Controlling and being aware of these responses are fundamental skillsets to demonstrate remarkable leadership.

Then, we need to deepen why we are so influenced by emotion. Emotional reaction is a predictive behaviour based on our life history. So, our family experience mainly developed our emotional response. In order to improve our self-awareness, we need to take two actions. 

Analyze our emotional reactions. What does it look like? What triggers this activity? How do you deal with it? When would it weaken your performance? Answering these questions deepens your understanding of your emotion and leads you to handle your emotion.

Also, you need to dive into your roots, your family. A family is a group experiencing anxiety. You have an expected role, network, and pressure from others.  If you are interested in this "family system", please read the link below.
