
Data Science, global business, management and MBA

Entries from 2022-06-08 to 1 day


人事の成り立ち 名著17冊の著者との往復書簡で読み解く 人事の成り立ち: 「誰もが階段を上れる社会」の希望と葛藤作者:海老原 嗣生,荻野 進介白桃書房Amazon日本における人事関連のディスカッションを歴史を辿ってトピックだけキャッチアップできる良書。 実…

Day 5 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Leadership and Teams Lab -2

Day2 for Leadership and Teams Lab. Today's learning topics are "emotion", "difference" and "origins of differences". Emotional reactions are inevitable physical and psychological responses. Controlling and being aware of these responses ar…