
Data Science, global business, management and MBA

Day 91 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Leadership in seminar 2, Wrapup


Robert C. Pozen | MIT Sloan provided us a really insightful summary of leadership.


Nurture your external leadership

Engage with your customers

  • Prioritize the time with your customers
  • Build not transaction but relationship
  • Listen to them and use feedback to inform your strategy


Welcome global diversity

  • be open to international opportunities
  • Respect them and adapt yourself
  • Monitor and make sure what happens in the world


Develop strong boards

  • Select CEO and decide capital allocation
  • Adopt strategy from managers and boards responds with feedback
  • Boards don't like to be surprised. CEO should deliver constant info


Establish your internal leadership

Communication, communication, communication

  • Make your strategy clear to all the stakeholders
  • Be transparent with all stakeholders
  • Proactive listening and respect. Build trust.


Form strong team with people

  • Not surrounded by Yes-people. Surrounded by people who complement you.
  • Focus on what you should do. Delegate everything else.
  • Build a relationship with your employees. Develop and support them.


Implement culture into your company

  • Start at the top. Encourage learning and tolerate mistakes.
  • Org structure and compensation should be aligned with culture.
  • Embrace difference and conflict but remove bad actors.


Technology and leadership

  • Establish advisory committees
  • Engage actively with entrepreneurs and disruptors
  • Focus on identifying growth opportunity with technologies
  • Attract and retain talent with tech skillsets
  • Train workforce
  • Foster innovation internally.


Be people manager. Not be task manager or individual contributer.



Career planning

  1. Assume uncertainty. Don't plan 10 years career.
  2. No leaders said they master their career plan. It's endless.
  3. Maximize options in making every career decisions. Not maximize your salary but maximize future options
  4. How to maximize future options?
    1. Have broad experiences and geographic transfer
    2. Actively build networks
    3. Find good mentors
  5. Most important, be honest with you.
  6. Critical questions on career structure
    • Own your company? or be part f a large org?
    • Be an individual contributor or a manager of people?
  7. Try to find an area adjacent to your past career. Don't take two steps at the same time. But constantly take one step. 
  8. Look at two growth drivers. Technology and demographics=population.




What is the meaning of MBA?

Relationship and networking. Do peer grouping in any networking. 

There is a tradeoff between deepening network and expanding network. 

Do both to meet a lot of people and do peer grouping.