
Data Science, global business, management and MBA

Day 24 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Reflection of First half in Summer

Reflection of 1st half in summer.

15.060 Data, Models, and Decisions
This is a unique course at MIT Sloan. We tackled some business data problems by team or an individual. What I really like about this course is that it is always business-centric. Even if you found more academically correct or accurate answer, it does not necessarily mean your answer is more valuable. This is always what data scientists and technicians face in the actual problems. Especially in the advertising industry, you should never say, "My regression model says magazine adverts have no effect on your sales." Never ever. So, before diving into the data pool(or swamp), you should look at the primary objective of your analytics and modeling. This class reminds me of this fundamental principle I continuously passed to our junior employees. For data guys, it is basic but may open your eyes about where we should make efforts. Also, for business leaders, it teaches us how painful data analytics are and how leaders make briefing and control these data projects. 

15.809 Introduction to Marketing and Strategy
Before this class, I assumed I understood marketing and strategy. Not at all. Professor Duncan navigated us into this field with practical examples and simple but solid frameworks. The story of Apple and Verizon case beautifully illustrated how meaningful the relationship with channels(vertical partners) is. His conversation style inspires me to start from "Good, Good Good," but he sticks to the clear logic behind many examples. I tried to summarize how Dentsu(my company) changed in the last 10 years with his framework, and I realized why we are struggling with it and what. 

15.024 Applied Economics for Managers
To be honest, I learned Economics before, but this class was totally different from what I expected. This class taught me the beauty of microeconomics and how applicable it is for business and all the decisions around our lives. Yes, sometimes economics sounds oversimplified and unrealistic compared to our society, but our world actually follows these concepts: economic equilibrium, externalities, game theory, monopoly pricing, and deadweight loss. I was inspired by her word and passion in the last class. "Please find something that makes you leave a 12.5m offer on the table." I will never forget this word and explore what makes me so passionate!


Learning from cohorts
Big thank you to all the teammates and our cohorts. 

You are another teacher and mentors of my first half and maximized my learning.
Especially the people in the same study group, 
We enjoyed discussions, conflicts, and collaboration together. 
Each has different strengths and weaknesses, and we compensate each other.
One of my biggest motivations to work is "find someone I really want to work with again."
You guys are rock stars and definitely motivated me a lot.

I am ready to learn another in the second half!
Let's rock!