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Negotiation Tips For Beginners

値引き交渉にすぐ使える、15のテクニック | ライフハッカー[日本版]
Negotiation Tips For Beginners – A Real Life Example Of How I Saved $150 With Just A Few Questions

Here are a couple truisms that I adopted that quickly and radically shifted my view of the negotiating process:

The true value of an item is what someone is willing to pay for it.

If you want to quickly realize how true this really is, get into Real Estate. Stop looking at price tags, service charges, and listing prices as set in stone! These numbers are simply the high-end starting point. People give discounts all the time for all sorts of creative reasons. There are very few places and very few situations where you can’t negotiate. Not the other way around.

Realize that you have the RIGHT to negotiate. Embrace this.

Seriously. Chances are you’ve worked very hard for your money. It’s your RIGHT to ask for a better price, more benefits, a free warranty, or a 20% first-time-customer discount. Your business is extremely valuable! And here’s another little secret: most vendors want you to negotiate. They’d love to give a quick 10-20% discount if it means retaining you as a customer. Most pay far more than that on average to get a new customer. Show them your value and exercise your right to negotiate!


Common Phrases You Should AVOID At All Costs

1. “I’m going to be honest with you” - I used to use this one all the time before realizing that it was having the negative effect that I desired. I wanted to show that I was being honest, but didn’t realize I was implying that I had not been being honest all along. Even just starting with “Honestly, I don’t feel…” has a slightly better implication. I’ve noticed that my outcomes are much more satisfactory when I eliminate that sort of phrasing altogether, though.
2. “Take it or leave it” - Ultimatums will rarely get you anywhere. In fact, they most often will blow up in beginner’s faces. I use to think I was demonstrating “power” by issuing a statement like this. What I came to realize is that I rarely ended up with anything more than a soured relationship. There are much more effective techniques at your disposal.
3. “What’s the lowest price you’ll take?” - When I was selling my car, I talked to roughly 20-25 people. At least 90% of them asked this question (usually before demonstrating any value to me). I can tell you from recent experience that it automatically made me lose respect for the person as soon as it left their lips. Do not start here. Start by demonstrating your value and fully identifying the other parties needs. I’ve listed numerous tips that are much more effective above.

1. 相手との共通点を見つける

これは信頼関係を築くのに役立つ方法です。「Man vs. Debt」のBaker氏は、歯医者で治療費の話に入る前に、自分の家族や、夏の旅行、ブログの話をしたところ、ナースの何人かと歯医者さんが旅好きだということがわかり、いい信頼関係が築けたようです。

5. 選択肢の有無を尋ねてみる


8. 言い換えてみる


11. その場でスパッと現金払い


