
Data Science, global business, management and MBA

Day 89 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, New Enterprises 9, Learnings from the final presentation

We finally finished the final presentation of New Enterprises, the most famous entrepreneurship lecture at MIT Sloan.


The final assignment was the presentation for five minutes and QA for five minutes.

We studied a lot about how to deliver an impressive presentation and how to react to difficult questions. 


Here is a couple of things I learned in the final presentation sessions. 

  • Set clear audience and actions you want to ask them to take. 
  • Don't say just "AI" or "ML". It means everything and actually nothing.
  • Show what you have done and path to the future.
  • If you ask audience to invest in, explain what you use it for briefly
  • The basic flow is
    1. Super personal story
    2. Generalization
    3. Product/Solution
    4. Market/Consumer
    5. Finance
    6. Team
  • Try to leverage questions for your sales story