
Data Science, global business, management and MBA

Day 66 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, NYC module2, Ethical Dilemma

In the session, we discussed how to deal with difficult situations to make decisions.

Through four example cases, we deepen our reflections and what each should do in each business case. Just to be clear, there is no silver bullet. 


#1 Me too

If you are global CHRO, and you got a call from a Japanese branch about sexual harassment. What you should do?


You need to investigate the situation first. For both accuser and accused, the initial investigation is crucial. 

Also, involving third party and local initiatives are extremely important because without them, we would lack equality and local standard line of business custom.

In this case, investigations could not find any evidence of harassment. 


The following solutions are actual records of what the leader did. 

  1. Ensure accuser is safe and hear her story first
  2. Let accused know how serious it is and involve external panel into a conversation
  3. Collaborating with evidents
  4. See things with your own eyes and ears.


#2 who to do business with

You are a leader of a small agency. Your company suffers from significant distress of corporate finance and one tabacco company could be your primary client. However, your company never ever served any service to tobacco companies from sustainability perspective.


What you should do is list up all the potential business risks and quantify them with due diligence of business risks. 


#3 Fire or 2nd chance

if your employee has a bad record of drug addiction and he or she did not disclose it to you. What would you do in this case?

It depends on whether he or she disclose the information. This is about integrity and expectation. 


#4 The talented Jerk

If you employee is a star performer, but jerk, what would you do?

There are several ways, but you need to identify why he or she is assumed as Jerk.



There is no right answer to resolve these situations, but generally, you need to remember the following actions.

  1. Never solve tough problems alone. Ask experts and local staff. Leverage your career ecosystem
  2. Get the facts. Get wide range of data and perspectives. Credibility of data sources matters a lot.
  3. Never declare victory too soon. Rehearing solution and communicating. 
  4. Grace under fire/pressure. Your action delivers a strong signal about your leadership.