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Day 131 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Choice point 6 "Remains of the day"





Summary by Chatbot

"Remains of the Day" is a novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, published in 1989. The story is narrated by an English butler named Stevens, who reflects on his life and career in service to Lord Darlington, a British aristocrat. The novel takes place in the 1950s, as Stevens embarks on a road trip to visit an old colleague and reflects on his years of service, his relationship with Lord Darlington, and his personal regrets and missed opportunities.

The novel is a meditation on class, duty, and the sacrifices people make in service of others. Stevens' character is emblematic of the "stiff upper lip" British mentality, in which emotions are repressed in the name of professionalism and decorum. Ishiguro's writing is characterized by its subtlety and understated elegance, and "The Remains of the Day" is widely regarded as a classic of contemporary literature.


Professional Dignity 

Stevens demonstrated his respect for diginity with following his ideal role models, his father, Lord Tennyson.

His dedication to his moral code and his discipline is unbelievably strong. 

In a nutshell, his dignity are 

  1. Controling his emotion perfectly
  2. Deliver his service as usual whatever happened
  3. Define his role and influential areas rigously

Choice points

  1. When Stevens' father died:
    Stevens' reaction to his father's death is emblematic of his emotional repression and dedication to his profession. Despite feeling a deep sense of loss and grief, Stevens continues to carry out his duties as a butler without any outward display of emotion. This decision reflects his belief that a professional butler should always maintain a dignified demeanor, regardless of personal circumstances.
    1. The pros of this decision are that Stevens is able to maintain his professionalism and fulfill his duties as a butler.
    2. The cons are that he is unable to process his emotions and may be neglecting his own emotional needs.
  2. When two housemaids were fired:
    Stevens is asked by his employer, Lord Darlington, to fire two Jewish housemaids because of their races. Stevens carries out this task without question, even though he personally believes that the women are innocent. This decision reflects Stevens' belief that it is his duty to carry out his employer's wishes without question, regardless of his own feelings on the matter.
    1. The pros of this decision are that Stevens is able to maintain his professionalism and loyalty to his employer.
    2. The cons are that he is complicit in an injustice and may be neglecting his own moral compass.
  3. Interaction with Ms. Kenton:
    Stevens' interactions with Ms. Kenton, the housekeeper at Darlington Hall, reveal his struggle to balance his professional duties with his personal feelings. Throughout the novel, Stevens suppresses his feelings for Ms. Kenton, believing that it would be unprofessional to pursue a romantic relationship with her. However, as the novel progresses, Stevens begins to regret this decision and wonders whether he has missed out on a chance for happiness.
    1. The pros of this decision are that Stevens is able to maintain his professionalism and avoid any potential conflicts of interest.
    2. The cons are that he may be denying himself a chance at personal fulfillment and happiness.

Overall, Stevens' decisions reflect his dedication to his profession and the importance of maintaining a professional demeanor at all times. However, these decisions also reveal the potential costs of emotional repression and the importance of finding a balance between professional duties and personal fulfillment.



People live with established discplines through their lives and the ability to change themselves. We need to modify the balance of two trade-offs and adapt ourselves in the changing environments.

Stevens has a strong discpline about his duty and pride as a butler, but it sounds like a robot. He felt strong dillemma in his life and he changed his style slightly at the end of this novel. He digested his regret and tries to figure out the meaning of his life. 

There are beautiful contrast with Willie from "Death of a Salesman". 


Willie regretted his own life and finally finished his drive under huge distraction.

Steve still sees forward and is proud of his past journey. 


Even elderly people still shape themselves with new experiences.